The rumors are true. I have six children. Let me rephrase that. I have six, beautiful, perfectly healthy, intelligent sons. To say that I am blessed doesn't nearly encapsulate all that I have been given. The fact that my wife and I have brought six children into this world with little to no medical complications is miraculous. The fact that we have even been able to conceive six times is amazing. And yet, the one reaction that we consistently receive from those around us is pity. The pity is especially profound when people find out that we have six BOYS. "Oh you poor thing!" "You must have been just desperate for that girl." "Oh your poor wife!" And my personal favorite: "Don't y'all know what causes that?"
The last several weeks have been emotionally draining for me. I am, by nature, an empathetic person and tend to carry emotional baggage for the people in my life. There has lately been much baggage to carry. I have close friends that have lost babies, are facing the possibility of losing a baby, are facing the possibility of losing a young child, or have been trying desperately for years to have a child to no avail. Each night they come home to an empty nursery or find themselves curled up in a vinyl hospital chair praying that God will somehow intervene.
I believe that we live in a fallen world. I believe that this world was created perfect and pure and that because of our rebellion against the Creator things have deteriorated to this point. I believe that death and disease and sickness and heartbreak were not the Creator's intent. I believe that there is a battle being waged between good and evil because I see the evidence of it all around me. It is everywhere I look.
And then I see my children. I see my six, beautiful, perfectly healthy, intelligent sons. For whatever reason, God has gifted my wife and I with the ability to bring good things into this world. Each one of my sons stands in defiance of a world where babies die and people hurt. Their laughter and joy reminds us all of a purity lost but not forgotten. I have no doubt that we battle an enemy who seeks to kill and destroy. I have seen his victories in the lives of those who matter most to me. Each of my sons is a victory over his wicked agenda. Each of my sons is a reminder that the Creator of life has not forgotten us. In a cruel and dark world, they are a beacons of goodness and light. My children strengthen my hope in the God who promised that he will return and make all things new again.
And so for the people who seem so bewildered by the size of our family, for those who are perplexed by our ever-increasing brood, for those who in word and thought pity us for the "burden" we have to raise a large family, I would point you to the book of Psalms chapter 127 verses 3-5.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is a man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate."
My children are a blessing. They are a rich reward that someone else paid dearly for me to receive. I will cherish them as such and continue to welcome every blessing God chooses to send my way.
Excellent word, my friend.